Client: AirLux (Wal*Mart)
Project: 169169
Language: EN
Date: 29.12.2007
Version: 09
Page: 12 (of 18 pages)
Barcode: 690 5020 10 000 6 00226
5) 2 TBSP Sugar (Sweeten to taste)
6) 2 Cups of Vanilla Ice Cream
• Place Ingredients in blender jar in order given above.
• Do not pack the ice cream to tight. Liquids should be able to flow through the ice
• Turn unit on and press drink function button.
Chocolate Milk Shake
1) 1 Cup Milk
2) 1 TBSP Chocolate Syrup
3) 1 TSP Vanilla Extract
4) 2 TBSP Sugar (Sweeten to taste)
5) 2 Cups of Chocolate Ice Cream
• Place Ingredients in blender jar in order given above.
• Do not pack the ice cream to tight. Liquids should be able to flow through the ice
• Turn unit on and press drink function button.
Tootie-Fruity Milk Shake
1) 1 Cup Milk
2) 1 TSP Vanilla Extract
3) ½ Cup frozen strawberries
4) ½ Cup Canned pineapple tidbits
5) ¼ Cup Maraschino Cherries
6) 2 TBSP Sugar (Sweeten to taste)
7) 2 Cups of Vanilla Ice Cream
• Place Ingredients in blender jar in order given above.
• Do not pack the ice cream to tight. Liquids should be able to flow through the ice
• Turn unit on and press drink function button.