Before rst use
• Carefully remove all packaging materials and retain for future use.
• Loosenthetie(13) and completely unwind the power cord (13).
• Cleantheoutsideoftheironwithadampclothandamilddetergent.
• Placetheirononaatandheat-resistantsurface.Connectthepowerplug(13) to
a suitable wall outlet.
• Whenusingtheironforthersttime,werecommendtestingitonasparepieceof
fabric to ensure the soleplate (15) and water reservoir (12) are completely clean.
• Theironmayproduceanodorandgiveosmokewhenswitchedonfortherst
time, as residues from the production process are eliminated. This is normal and
does not indicate a defect or hazard.
• Theironmayspitorsputterduringtherstfewuseswithtapwater.Thishappens
as the steam chamber becomes conditioned. This will stop after a few uses.
Preparing garments to be ironed
NOTE: Always follow the ironing instructions attached to the garments. Should these be
missing, please refer to the instructions in the table below:
Label Garment Temperature
control setting
Ironing instructions
Synthetics O to synthetics
Dry iron on reverse
side of garments.
Wool - silk
Synthetics to
Dry iron on reverse
side of garments.
Linen - cotton
Wool-silk to
Linen: Steam iron
while damp on reverse
side of garments.
Cotton: Steam iron
while damp using
steam or spray.
Do not iron
Iron-169234-04 (GB).indd 6 5/13/10 9:15 AM