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n !$#%'"'Save these instructions for local
electrical inspector’s use.
n !$#%'"'Observe all governing codes and
n "<A2A<;@A.992?I Be sure to leave these
instructions with the Consumer.
n "<A2A<<;@B:2?IKeep these instructions
for future reference.
n Installation :B@A be performed by a qualified
n Proper installation is the responsibility
of the installer.
n Electric Shock Hazard. Disconnect power before
installing. Failure to do so could result in serious
injury or death.
n $<A2;A6.9$2?@<;.9;7B?F!<?2A5.;AD<
n Avoid Tipping and Rupture of Utility Services.
Dryer must be securely attached to the washer.
DO NOT place the washer on top of the dryer.
Failure to do so could result in personal
injury/death or property damage.
n Mobile Home or Manufactured Home
Installation – Stacking of a gas dryer is not
permitted in a mobile home or manufactured
&# !%#% !'!#!$%
Minimum clearance to combustible surfaces
and for air opening are: 0″ both sides and 1″ rear.
Consideration must be given to provide adequate
clearance for installation and service.
!'!#!$% $%%!
n If your dryer is approved for installation
in an alcove or closet, it will be stated on
a label on the dryer back.
n The dryer MUST be vented to the outdoors.
Refer to dryer Installation Instructions for
n Minimum clearance between dryer cabinet and
adjacent walls or other surfaces is:
0″ either side
3″ front and rear
n Minimum vertical space from floor to overhead
cabinets, ceiling, etc. is 43″ without pedestal,
55″ with pedestal and 84″ stacked.
n Closet doors must be louvered or otherwise
ventilated and must contain a minimum
of 60 square inches of open area equally
distributed. If the closet contains both a washer
and a dryer, doors must contain a minimum
of 120 square inches of open area equally