Usingthe dehumidifier, ge.com
When first using the dehumidifier, operate the unit continuously 24 hours.
How the Dehumidifier Operates
Moist, lmmid air is drawn over a cold refiigerated
delmmidif)'ing coil. Moisture in the air condenses
on this coil and drains into a bucket (or through
the bucket into a hose and drain).
Dry, clean air is drawn through the condenser
where it is heated and discharged out the ti'ont
grille into the room.
It is normal for the surrounding air to become slightly
warmer as the dehumidifier operates.
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This wamm% eftect fm'ther reduces the relatixe
humidi_ of the SmTom_ding ai_:
Humid air in E¢.,.,._,/___/._/vaporatori E,.,.
GardenhoseconnectorBucket Compressor
Dry air out
Choosing a Location
A dehmnidifier oi)erating in a basement will have
little or no effect in drying an a(!jacent enclosed
storage area, such as a closet, tmless there is
adequate ciretflafion of air in and out of the area.
• Place the dehumidifier on a smooth, level floor
strong enough to support the unit with a full bucket
of water.
• Allowatleast 12-18inches of airspace on allsides
of theunit for goodair circulation.
• Placethe dehumidifierin anarea where the
temperaturewill not fall below 65°F(18°C).Thecoils
can becomecoveredwith frostat temperatures
below65°F,which mayreduceperformance.
• Usethe dehumidifierin cooking,laundrg,bathing
and dishwashingareas that haveexcessive
moisture./VOTE:Placethe dehumidifieraway
from theclothes dryer.
• Usethe dehumidifierto prevent moisturedamage
anywherebooks or valuablesare stored.
• Usethe dehumidifierin a basementto help prevent
• Thedehumidifiermustbe operatedin an enclosed
areato be most effective.
• Closeall doors,windows andother outsideopenings
to theroom.
12 18" rain.
NOTE"Thedehumidifierhas rollers toaid placement,
but it shouldonly be rolled onsmooth,flat surfaces.
Donot attempttoroll thedehumidifieron carpet or
Automatic Defrost
When the dehmnidifier control senses fl'ost
buildtq_ on the ewq_orator coil, it will automatically
shut off the compressor The tim will continue
to rtm to draw air across the coil and melt the fl'ost.
"X4hen the coil is defl'osted, the compressor will
automaficall) restrict and dehmnidif}'ing will resume.