ambient relative humidity: 15–50%
pressure: 75kPa–106kPa
mains voltage within ±10% of nominal
vibrations in the calibration environment should be minimized
altitude less than 2,000 meters
3.3 Hardware Warranty and Assistance
3.3.1 Instrument Warranty
GE Kaye Instruments, Inc. warrants its products against defects in materials
and workmanship for a period of 12 months from the date of shipment. GE
Kaye Instruments, Inc. will, at its option, repair or replace products which
prove defective during this warranty period provided they are returned to our
facility in Billerica, Massachusetts, European warranty returns are sent to
Pforzheim, Germany. Repairs necessitated by misuse of this product are not
covered by this warranty. No other warranties are expressed or implied, includ-
ing but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose. GE Kaye Instruments, Inc. is not liable for consequential
3.3.2 In-Warranty Repairs
Customers are requested to discuss their problem with a Kaye Service Repre-
sentative to insure a prompt and accurate assessment of their needs. Frequently,
a problem can be resolved via phone or FAX with minimal inconvenience or
If necessary, the Customer Service Representative will send replacement parts
or authorize the return of the instrument to the factory for repair. Instruments
serviced in this manner will be repaired, completely tested, and calibrated prior
to shipment.
When an instrument is returned to the factory, the customer must prepay the
freight charges. Kaye will prepay freight charges for the instrument's return via
a comparable shipment method.
If Field Service is required under the warranty, the customer is responsible for
travel and living expenses incurred by the Field Service Representative.
3.3.3 After-Warranty Repairs
Customers are requested to discuss their problem with a Kaye Service Repre
sentative to insure a prompt assessment of their needs. Frequently, a customer
3 Specifications and Environmental Conditions