Once Groups are established, individual Users can be created. Users can have individual login
names and passwords.
Passwords consist of 3-20 alphanumeric characters. Both login names and passwords are
NOTE: There are three predefined Groups that cannot be modified. Beneath those Groups are
two Users that are fixed and cannot be modified. The passwords for all can be changed. The
predefined groups and users are:
Group: Administrator User: Administrator
Group: Operator User: <not defined>
Group: Guest User: Guest
Figure 4-3 User Administration screen in the HMI
To set permissions for a user Group
1. On the Main Menu, click the User Administration button. Only Administrators can access
User Administration. For all others, the button will not appear on the Main Menu.
2. Click the desired user group to edit or click the Add Group button to define a new type of
3. Change the permissions by selecting the appropriate check boxes in the permission list.
User will be granted this permission.
User will not have this permission.
4. Change the permissions by selecting the appropriate check boxes in the permission list.