About loading and using the dryer.
Always follow the fabric manufacturer's care label when laundering.
Sorting and Loading Hints
As a general rule, if clothes are sorted properly for
the washer, theg are sorted properly for the dryer
Do not odd fabric softener sheets once the load
has become worm. Thegmeg cause fabric softener
stains. Bounce®Fabric Conditioner Drger Sheets
hove been approved for use in oil GEDrgers when
used in accordance with the manufacturer's
Do not overload. This wastes energy and causes
Do not dry the following items: fiberglass items,
woolens, rubber-coated items, plastics, items with
plastic trim and foam-filled items.
Care and Cleaning of the Dryer
The Exterior: Wipe or dust any spills or washing
compounds with a damp cloth. Dryer control
panel and finishes may be damaged by some
laundry pretreatment soil and stain remover
products. Apply these products away from the
dryer The fabric may then be washed and dried
normally. Damage to your dryer caused by these
products is not covered by your warranty.
The Lint Filter: Clean the lint filter before each
use. Moisten your fingers and reach into the filter
opening. Runyour fingers across the filter. Have a
qualified technician vacuum the lint from the dryer
once a gear.
Stainless Steel: To clean stainless steel surfaces,
use a damp cloth with a mild, non-abrasive cleaner
suitable for stainless steel surfaces. Remove the
cleaner residue, and then dry with a clean cloth.
The Exhaust Duct: Inspect and clean the exhaust
ducting at least once a year to prevent clogging.
A partially clogged exhaust can lengthen the
drging time.
Follow these steps:
[_] Turn off electrical supply bg disconnecting
the plug from the wall socket.
[_] Disconnect the duct from the dryer.
I_1 Vacuum the duct with the hose attachment
and reconnect the duct.
The Exhaust Hood: Check from the outside that
the flaps of the hood move freely when operating.
Make sure that there is not wildlife (birds,insects,
etc.)nesting inside the duct or hood.
Fabric Care Labels
Below are fabric care label "sgmbols" that affect the clothing gou will be laundering.
Mael'i"eCi Ci Ci
wash __ __
cycle Norr'al Pen-anent Press/ GentleI/ all was D° net wash Oe not wmlg
wrinkle res[_tant delicate h
Water O0 • O0 •
Hot Warm CoN/cool
(50C1120'F] (40<C1195'F] (3OC/8_W)
symbols A A ,_
Ally bleach Only iiml ehlorJn_ bbac_ Benot bleac_
[whell ileeded} [when needed l
T"mbleD Foqro-]Foq
dry Denotd_v
Dry Norma_ PermanentPre,d _41tld gonottumbledrv _usedw_th
wrinkleres_,_ant delicate donetw_sh)
.eat _ ® ®O
HiQh Medium LOW NOhea_air
Unedrd D,il, dr_ Dr_fl_t Inthe,h_de