Chapter 4: Web-Based Management
GE-DS-82 and 82-PoE Ethernet Managed Switch User Manual 49
View Subtree The OID defining the root of the subtree to add to the named view. The
allowed OID length is 1 to 128. The allowed string content is digital
number or asterisk(*)
View Mask (Hexadecimal
View mask is defined in order to reduce the amount of configuration
information required when fine-grained access control is required (e.g.,
access control at
The object instance level)
SNMPv3 Access
Configure the SNMPv3 access table on this page. The entry index keys are Group
Name, Security Model and Security Level.
The SNMPv3 Accesses Configuration screen in Figure 32 appears.
Figure 32: SNMP configuration interface
This page includes the following fields:
Object Description
Group Name:
A string identifying the group name that this entry should belong to.
The allowed string length is 1 to 15.
V1 | V2c | USM:
Indicates the security model that this entry should belong to. Possible
security models are:
v1: Reserved for SNMPv1.
v2c: Reserved for SNMPv2c.
usm: User-based Security Model (USM)