
4-38 Micro PLC Programmer’s Guide – April 1994
Logic Operations
The Micro PLC Instruction Set includes these Logic operations:
Word AND The AND function compares each bit in one register against
each bit in another. If both bits are 1, it places a 1 in the corre-
sponding bit of a third register.
Inclusive OR The Inclusive OR function compares each bit in one register
against each bit in another. If either or both bits are 1, it places a
1 in the corresponding bit of a third register.
Exclusive OR The XOR function compares each bit in one register against
each bit in another. If both bits are the same (1 or 0), it places a
0 in the corresponding bit of a third register
Shift Register
Shift Register Right shifts all the bits in a register to the right
(toward the least significant bits) by a specified number of
Shift Register
Shift Register Left shifts all the bits in a register to the rleft (to-
ward the most significant bits) by a specified number of posi-
NOT The NOT function takes the opposite state of each bit in a regis-
ter and places it into a second register.