GFK-2251 Chapter 2 Powerup and Software Installation 2-9
Image Recovery
The following procedure provides instruction on how to use the Field Image Recovery
Disk (44A749863-G01Rxx). This disk will enable you to recover all software on your
computer as received initially from GE Fanuc.
Before attempting an Image Recovery on your unit, make sure to
record all critical settings and conduct a full back up of all software
projects and critical documents. You will also need to have your
application software registration and Microsoft Authorization
Numbers handy. This process will clear all contents from your Hard
Drive and return your system to the factory configuration.
Instructions for Image Recovery
1. Prior to Image Recovery, you will need to connect the following equipment:
− a standard PS/2-type keyboard
− an external floppy disk drive (available from GE Fanuc – IC850FDD101)
2. Insert the Field Image Recovery Disk into the floppy drive.
3. After inserting the Recovery Disk, the system will prompt you to restore the image.
Select <1> to “RESTORE SYSTEM TO ORIGINAL CONDITION”. If you have initiated
this process in error, press <2> and Exit the Recovery program.
4. Select <1> again to “PROCEED WITH SOFTWARE RESTORE”. Choose <2> to
cancel Recovery and exit to MS-DOS .
5. At this point the factory image will be recovered from a hidden partition on the Hard
Drive. This will take approximately 12 minutes. When prompted, reboot your system.
6. After rebooting your unit, the system will bring you to the initial startup screens as
received from the factory.
If you have questions about this procedure, please contact 1-800 GE FANUC.
Shutting Down the Computer
To avoid damaging files, always shut down Windows software
before removing power from your Panel C.
To shut down Windows operating system software, select Shut
Down from the Start menu.
MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.