With electrical power supplied to the water
heater, it will not freeze in environments as
cold as -30°F, when protected from direct wind
In the event of a power failure at temperatures
below freezing, the water heater should be
drained of all water to prevent freezing damage.
The unit may be drained manually, or through
the installation of the optional solenoid valves
as shown.
The unit may be drained manually; however, we
highly recommend that drain-down solenoid valves
be installed that will automatically drain the unit if
power is lost.
When the electrical power to the water heater
fails, the 3/4″ solenoid valve closes (stopping
the flow of water into the heater) and the 1/4″
solenoid valve opens (allowing the water heater
and associated piping to drain). Ensure that you
run the drain for the solenoids to the outside
environment to prevent discharging water inside
the building, which can cause water damage.
NOTE: If the unit is installed in an environment that
can freeze, follow state and local codes and apply
heat trace to ALL water pipes and fittings located
outside (attic, crawl space or building structure).
Installation Instructions
This is not an engineered drawing; it is intended
only as a guide and not as a replacement for
professionally engineered project drawings. This
drawing is not intended to describe a complete
system; it is up to the contractor/engineer to
determine the necessary components for and
configuration of the particular system being
installed. The drawing does not imply compliance
with local building code requirements; it is the
engineer‘s/contractor’s responsibility to ensure
the installation is in accordance with all local
building codes. Confer with local building officials
before installation.
3/4″ Ball Valve
3/4″ Union
Check Valve
Pressure Relief Valve
Pressure Regulator
Circulating Pump
Boiler Drain Valve
Solenoid Valve