CH. 8: NETWORKS 06 Apr 2000 PAGE 41
8.6 Profibus
Profibus utilises a Master-Slave type of communication with the TIUXX2 functioning as a slave device.
Decentralised Peripherals (Slave) Baud rates of up to 12 MBd can be obtained through Profibus.
Up to 32 devices 9master or slaves) can be connected in one segment without using repeaters, or up to
64 devices can be connected using repeaters.
Master devices are used to determine the data communication on the bus. One master can service
several slaves. Several Masters can participate on the bus simultaneously, but only one Master can write
outputs to a slave.
The slave devices are peripheral devices. Slaves do not have bus access rights and can only
acknowledge received messages or send messages to the master when requested to do so. Any master
can read data from the slave devices. All connected Slaves have the same priority.
For further information on the Profibus Network, visit their website at www.profibus.com
8.6.1 Profibus Wiring
The TIUXX2 uses a 9 pin D-sub plug connector for its Profibus port. The pin assignment of the plug
connector and the wiring are show below.
Protective Ground
Station 1 Station 2
Rxd/TxD -P 3
V+ 6
DGnd 5
RxD/TxD -N 8
Figure 8.4 Profibus Port Pinout