GE Microwave Oven Warrantg
Staple your receipt here.
Proofof theoriginal purchase
date isneeded to make o
warranty claim.
What GE Will Provide:
Replacement unff for any product which fails due to a defect in materials or
From the date of the odgina I pumhas e workmanship. The exchange unit iswarranted for the remainder of your
product's original one-gear warrantg period.
• Properlg pack Four unit. We recommend using the
original carton and packing materials.
• Return the product to the retail location where it was
• Include in the package a copg of the salesreceipt or other
evidence of date of original purchase. Also print Four
name and address and a description of the defect.
• Customer instructions. This owner's manual provides
information regarding operating instructions
and user controls.
• Improper installation, deliverg or maintenance.
• Failure of the product or damage to the product if it is
abused, misused (for example, cavitg arcing from wire
rack or metal/foil), or used for other than the intended
purpose or used commerciallg.
• Replacement of house fuses or resetting of circuit
• Damage to the product caused bg accident, fire, floods
or acts of God.
• Incidental or consequential damage caused bg possible
defects with this appliance.
• Damage caused after deliverg.
EXCLUSIONOFIMPLIED WARRANTIES--Your sole and exclusive remedy is product
exchange as provided in this Limited Warranty. Any implied warranties, including
the implied warranties of merchentabilitg or fitness for aparticular purpose, are
limited to one gear or the shortest period allowed bg law.
Thiswarranty isextended to the original purchaser and any succeedingowner for
products purchased for home usewithin the USA.
Somestates do not allow the exclusionor limitation of incidental or consequential
damages.Thiswarranty givesyou specificlegal rights,and you may alsohoveother
rights which vary from state to state.Toknow what your legal rights ore,consultyour
localor state consumer affairsoffice or your state'sAttomeF General.
Exclusionof implied warranties: Exceptwhere prohibited or restrictedI_glow, thereare
no warranties, whether express,oral or statutory which extend beFondthe description
on the facehereof,includingspecifically the impliedwarranties of merchantabilitFor
fitnessfor a particular purpose.
Warrantor: General Electric Compang. Louisville, KY40225