ml i’lwi pop in
UII\fjSS ~~ ZI ~pe~j~~microwavep0pCO[i7
accessory or unless you use popcorn in a
package labeled for microwave ovens.
Because of heat generated, without these
precautions, the container could catch fire.
~~ fi~~ ~~g any in Ilwld you ~~~
that is
$3!’ for !US8ill the oven.
DOIwt the Ow!n 13mpty!0
to the Ovenand IMl of fire. If by
accident the oven should run empty a minute
or two, no ham done. However, try to avoid
operating the oven empty at all times—it
saves energy and prolongs life ofthe, oven.
ulensi[s may hot because of
heat transferred from the heated food. This is
es,pecia!ly true if plastic wrap has been cov-
ering the top and handles of the utensil. Pot
holders may be needed to handle the utensil.
cooking and tightly closed
plastic bags should be slit, pricked or vented
as directed in Cookbook. if they are I]ot,
plastic could burst during or immediately
after cooking, possibly resulting in injury.
Also, plastic storage containers should beat
least partially uncovered because they form
a tight seal. When cooking with containers,
tightly covered with plastic wrap, remove
covering carefully and direct steam away
from hands and face.
OWQUcook. Excessover
andmaycawx+W3rntocakh fire
Plastic designed for microwave
cooking are very useful, but should be used
carefully. Even microwave plastic may not
be as tolerant of overcooking conditions as
are glass or ceramic materials and may
soften or char if subject to short periods of
~ver~~oking, in ionger exposures to over-
*he food and containers may even
cooking, s
ignite. For these reasons: 1) Use microwave
piasthx oniy and use them in strict com-
pliance with Ihe container manufacturer’s
recommendations 2) Do not subject empty
containers to microwaving. 3) Do not permit
chikken to use piastic contairws without
comPIete supervision,
Use wily as
inM8 Metal
strips as used on meat roasts are heipfui in
cooking food when used as directed. Metai
trays may be used for TV dirwwrs. However,
when using metai in the oven, keep m?ta!at
km$tM’wh skiesofWI
tlw can toohot10
Be careful touching the shelf during
and after cooking.
the from the
WIMWnotusing it to cook with. if you ieave the
probe inside the oven without inserting it in
food or iiquid, and turn on microwave
energy, it can create electrical arcing in the
oven, and damage oven waiis.
H fmld should ever Keep M8 ‘oven
IChMWLTurn off the power immediately. Turn
Timer to OFF or disconnect power cord or
shut off power at the fuse/circuit breaker
00 not use vow oven to drw nwvs-
pflpors.{f o~erheated, they can catch f!re.
Ciean only parts listed in this Use and Care
Do not c!ean door gasket. The door gasket is
essential for a good seai. Care should be
taken not to rub, damage or move the
Before self-cieaning the oven, remove broiler
pan and other containers.
Do not use oven cleaners, No commercial
oven cleaner or oven liner protective coating
of any kind should be used in or around any
part of the oven.
LMm for Fan—l!fannoise b~hard sorN3-
Read“The Problem Soiver” on page 18,
Don’t attempt to repair or replace any part of
your range unless it is specifically recom-
mended in this book. Aii other servicing
shouid be referred to a qualified technician.
Disconnect ranoe at rarme circuit breaker or
main fuse befo;e perfor~ing any service.