How to Delay the Start of Cleaning
Make sure the clock shows the correct
time of day.
[] Press the SELFCLEANpad.
pads, enter tile desired clean time.
[_ Press tile STARTTIMEpad. Tile
earliest start time you can set will
appear in the displ W.
_-] Using tile INCREASEor DECREASE
pads, enter tile time of dayyou want
tile clean o<:le to start.
[_] Press the STARTpad.
Tile door locks automatically. Tile display
will show the start time. It will not be
possible to open the oven door until
the temperature drops below the lock
temperature and the LOCKEDDOOR
light goes off.
Tile oven shut_soff mlmmatically when
the clean (?,cle is coznplete.
When tile LOCKEDDOORlight is off, open
tile door.
After a Clean Cycle
You may notice some white ash in tile
oven. Wipe it up with a dmnp cloth alter
tile oven cools.
If whitespotsremain,removethemwitha soap-
These deposit.s are usually a salt
residue that cannot be removed by
the clean _?_cle.
If the oven is not clean alter one clean
(?,cle, repeat file (?,cle.
You cannot set tile oven for cooking
until tile oven is cool enough for the
door to unlock.
While file oven is self:cleaning, you
can press tile CLOCKpad to display
tile time ofd W. To remm to tile
clean countdown, press tile COOKING
ffthe shelves becozne hard to slide,
apply a small amount of vegetable oil or
cooking oil m a paper towel and wipe
tile edges of tile oven shelves with tile
paper towel.