Besurethecontrolsareturnedto OFFandthesurfaceunitsarecoolbeforeattemptingtoremovethem.
_eceotacle DrioBan
Surface Units (electric coil modelsonly)
To clean the sm_hce units, turn the
control to the highest setting for a
minute. The coils _ill bum offany soil.
Toremove a surface unit:
To remove the drip pans for cleaning, the
surface units must be relnoved first.
Lift the surface unit about 1inch above
the drip pan and pull it out.
Donotlift thesurfaceunitmorethanI inch.If
youdo,it maynotfiefiatonthedrippanwhen
youplugit backin.
Repeated lifting of tim suK_me unit more
than 1inch above the drip pan can
permanently damage the receptacle.
Toreplace a surface unit:
Replace the (kip pan into the recess in
the cookmp. Make sure the opening in
the pan lines tip with the receptacle.
Insert the terminals of the surf_tce unit
through the opening in the drip pan and
into the receptacle.
Guide the surf_meunit into place so it
rests evenly.
Donotattempttoclean,adjustorin an}/way
Drip Pans (electric coil modelsonly)
Remove the surf_me unit_s.Then lift out
the drip pans.
For best results, clean d_e drip pans by
hand. Place fl_em in a covered container
(or a plastic bag) with 1/4 olp ammonia
to loosen the soil. Then scrub with a soap-
filled scouring pad ifnecessa U. Rinse
with clean water and polish with a clean
soft cloth.
The drip pans may also be cleaned in a
(;lean fl_earea under fl_edrip pans
often. Built-up soil, especially grease,
may catch fire.
Donotcoverthedrippanswithfoil Usingfoilso
Be sure all surface units are turned
off before raising the cooktop.
Lift-Up Cooktop (electric coil modelsonly)
To make cleaning easier, die entire
cooktop may be lifted tip and supported
in the tip position.
Be sure all dm surf_tce units are uu_ed off
befbre raising the cooktop. The surf_me
unit_sand (kip pans do not need m be
removed, however, you mayrelnove one
to make raising tim cooktop easier.
A support rod will hoM the cooktop tip
while you clean underneath it.
After cleaning under fl_e cooktop wifll
hot, so_q)y water and a clean cloth, lower
the cooktop. Be carefill not to pinch
your fingers.