and Main Dishes
Chicken pieces
Hamburgers or meatloaf
(4 oz. per serving)
Hot dogs and sausages
Rice and pasta
cup per serving)
Saucy, main dishes:
creamed chicken, chili, stew, macaroni and
cheese, etc.
cup per serving)
1 to 2 pieces
3 to 4 pieces
1 to 2 servings
3 to 4 servings
1 to 2
3 to 4
1 to 2 servings
1 to 2 servings
3 to 4 servings
1 can (16 oz.)
High (10)
High (10)
High (10)
High (10)
High (10)
High (10)
High (10)
High (10)
High (10)
High (10)
2 to 3 min.
3 to 4 min.
2 to 3 min.
4 to 5 min.
to 1 min.
1 to 2 min.
1 to 3 min.
3 to 5 min.
6 to 9 min.
5 to 7 min.
Steaks, chops, ribs, meat pieces
1 to 2 servings
Meal-High (7)
2 to 4 min.
3 to 4 servings
Meal-High (7)
5 to 7 min.
Thinly-sliced meat
1 to 2 servings Meal-High (7)
1 to 3 min.
(3 to 4 oz. per serving)
3 to 4 servings Meal-High (7)
2 to 5 min.
Topped or mixed with sauce
1 to 2 servings
High (10)
3 to 5 min.
cup per serving)
3 to 4 servings
High (10)
5 to 6 min.
Cover saucy main dishes with plastic wrap. Cover other main dishes and meats with wax paper. When heating or reheating 3 to 4 servings
of meat slices or pieces, rotate dish 1/2 turn after half of cooking time.
Plate of
plus 2 vegetables
1 plate High (10)
3 to 4 min.
Cover plate of food with wax paper or plastic wrap.
Meat-cheese filling: with 2 slices of bread
1 to 2 servings
Meal-High (7)
1 to 3 min.
3 to 4 servings Meal-High (7)
3 to 4 min.
Moist filling:
Joes, barbecue, ham salad,
1 to 2 servings Meal-High (7)
1 to 2 min.
etc. in bun
cup per serving)
3 to 4 servings Meal-High (7) 2 to 3 min.
Use paper towel or napkin to cover sandwiches.
Milk-based (6 oz. per serving)
1 to 2 servings Meal-High (7)
2 to 3 min.
3 to 4 servings Meal-High (7) 5 to 7 min.
1 can (10 oz. )
Meal-High (7) 6 to 7 min.
Water-based (6 oz.
per serving)
1 to 2 servings
High (10) 1 to 2 min.
3 to 4 servings
High (10)
3 to 5 min.
1 can (10 oz.) High (10)
4 to 6 min.
Cover soups with wax paper or plastic wrap.
pieces or whole: asparagus spears,
corn on the cob, etc.
cup per serving)
Small pieces: peas, beans, corn, etc.
cup per serving)
1 to 2 servings
3 to 4 servings
1 can (16 oz. )
1 to 2 servings
3 to 4 servings
1 to 2 servings
3 to 4 servings
1 can (16 oz.)
High (10)
High (10)
High (10)
High (10)
High (10)
High (10)
High (10)
High (10)
1 to 2 min.
2 to 3 min.
4 min.
1 to 2 min.
3 to 4 min.
1 to 2 min.
2 to 3 min.
2 to 4 min.
Cover vegetables for most even heating.