About the features of your oven.
Power Saver (Energy Saver)
Feature (on some models)
Your GEmicrowave has an Power Saver(EnergySaver)feature. Many electronic appliances,
including Microwaves, consume electric power while they are switched off or ina standby
mode. Eliminating standby power can reduceyour operating costs.
ToACTIVATEthePower Saver(EnergySaver)Feature--
Pressthe Power Saver button on the unit, and the unit will turn off. (Note:If utilizingthis
feature, the clockwill not be displayed on the unit.)
ToDEACTIVATEthe Power Saver(EnergySaver)Feature--
U Pressthe Power Saver button on the unit, and the unit will turn on. Thedisplay will read
"On" Ifthe unit has had power aplied recently (within the lastfew days),the time will be
_lf prompted, enter the time of day.
NOTE: Thetime keeping device that keepsyour clock running will need to be recharged every
few days. It isrecommended that oncea week you should leave the unit powered on (donot
usethe Power Saver(EnergySaver)feature)for at least 2/4hours. Ifyou are prompted to enter
a time when turning on from the PowerSaver (EnergySaver)mode,you should havethe unit
powered on for at least/48 hours. When you first installyour unit, you should leave it powered
on for at least/48 hours.
Some features, such asthe auto night light, will not function when you are inPower Saver
NOTE:This microwave oven does not detect food inthe oven if food was inserted while the unit
was Off(Power Saver(EnergySaver)active or power loss).As a result, it willask you to insert
food again when PowerSaver (EnergySaver)isdeactivated or power is restoredto the unit. If
this occurs,just open and closethe door to clear the message and the oven will be ready for