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The exhaust hood feature on your GE rnkxowave
oven is equippedwith
a metalfilter which collects
grease. When the fan is operated, air is drawn up
graspthe “finger hold” cm
thefilterandpushto the rear,Thefilterwilldr~pout.
through the filter and is then dischargedthrough
providedventingto theoutside.The
hood also has a
light for illurninatin9
Soak, then agitatefilter in hot detergentsolution.
Don’t use ammoniaor other alkall becauseit WN
darkenmetal,Light brushingcanbe usedto remove
inbeddedW. Rinse,shakeandremovemoisturebe-
fore replacing.Fllter$
should be ckmfx’1 at least
oncea month.Neveroperateyourhoodwithoutthe
fiitor in place.
In situation$where flaming might
occuronsurface$belowhood,filter canretardentry
of fiameeintotheunit.