FROMGENERALELECTRICTOYOU- Thiswarrantyis extendedbyGeneralElectricto the orig- ~•ü
inal purchaserand to any succeeding owner and appliesto products purchased in the United
States, retained within the 48 contiguous states,the state of Hawaiior the District of Columbia,
andemployedin ordinaryhomeuse.
WHATWEWILLDO- If your GeneraiElectric MicrowaveRangefails becauseof a manufacturing
defect within one year from the date of original purchase,we will repair the product without
chargeto you. Partsand servicelabor areincluded.Servicewill be providedin the homein the48
contiguousstates,thestateof Hawaiior inthe Districtof Columbia.
HOWTO OBTAINSERVICE- Servicewill be providedbyour local CustomerCarenfactory serv-
ice organization or by one of our franchised CustomerCareservicersduring normal business
hoursafter you notifyusof the needfor service,Servicecan bearrangedbytelephone.
Look up “Service” under GeneralElectrie Companyof “General Electric FactoryService” in the
White pagesof your telephonedirectory or “General ElectricCustomerCareService” in the Yel-
low pagesor write to the addressgivenbelow.
WHATiS NOTCOVERED- Thiswarrantydoesnot coverthe failure of yourMicrowaveRangeif it
is damagedwhilein your possession,usedfor commercialpurposes,or if the failure iscausedby
unreasonableuse including failure to provide reasonableand necessarymaintenance.In no
eventshall the GeneralElectricCompanybe liableforconsequentialdamages.This warranty
doesnot applyto the stateof Alaskanor to the Virgin Islands,Guam,AmericanSamoa,the Canal
Zoneor the Commonwealthof PuertoRico.
Somestates do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidentalor consequentialdamages,so
the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific.legal
rights, and you mayalso haveother rights whichvaryfromstateto state.
The magnetrontube is coveredin the abovefull warrant i In addition to that warranty,if the mag-
!netrontube failsbecauseof a manufacturingdefect with nthe secondthrough fifth yearfrom date
of the original purchase,we will furnish without charge,a replacementmagnetrontube. YOLJmust
paythe servicelaborcharge for the homecall, diagnosticwork,and removal,and reinstallationof
the newmagnetrontube.
All other provisionsof this additional limited warranty are the sameas stated in the full warranty
In the state of Alaskafree service including parts will be provided to correct manufacturing de-
fects at our nearestsorvieeshop location or in your home,but we do not coverthe cost of trans-
portation of the product to the shop or for the travel cost of a technician to your home, You are
responsiblefor those costs, Al! other provisionsof this limited warranty are the sameas those
statedin the full and limited warrantiesabove,
WHERETO GET FUFWHERHELP- If you wish further help or information concerning this war-
Manager-Customer Relations
Appliance Park,WCE-Room 316 AppliancePark
LoukwNe,Kentucky40225 Louisville,KY,40225
Range Marketing Deptirtmont
Applltmee Pwk e Loul$vllle,
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