GE Dishwasher Warrants.
Allwarranty service provided bg our Factors Service Centers, or an
authorized Customer Care ®technician. To schedule service, on-line,
24 hours a dog, visit us at ge.com, or call 800.GE.CARES (800.432.2737)
in the United States. In Canada, call 1.800.361.3400. Please have
serial number and model number available when calling for service.
Staple your receipt here.
Proof of the original purchase
date is needed to obtain service
under the warrants.
For The Period Of: GE Will Replace:
One Year Any part of the dishwasher which fails due to a defect in materials or workmanship. During
From the dote of the this limited one-gear warranty, GEwill also provide, free of charge, all labor and in-home service
original purchase to replace the defective part.
Five Years The dishwasher rocks end the electronic control module if theg should fail due to a defect
From the date of the in materials or workmanship During this five-gear limited warranty, gou will be responsible
original purchase for ang labor or in-home service costs
Lifetime of Product The Stainless tub or door liner, if it fails to contain water due to a defect in materials or
workmanship During this limited warranty, GEwill also provide, free of charge, all labor and
in-home service to replace the defective part
Whet GE Will Not Cover (for customers in the United States):
• Service trips to gour home to teach gou how to use
the product.
• Improper installation, deliverg or maintenance.
• Failure of the product if it is abused, misused, or used for
other than the intended purpose or used commerciallg.
• Replacement of house fuses or resetting of circuit breakers.
• Product not accessible to provide required service.
• Damage to the product caused bg accident, fire, floods
or acts of God.
• Incidental or consequential damage caused bg possible
defects with this appliance.
• Cleaningor servicing ofthe air gap device in the drain line.
• Damage caused after deliverg, including damage from
items dropped on the door.
EXCLUSION OFIMPLIED WARRANTIES--Your sole and exclusive remedy is product repair as provided in this Limited
Warranty. Any implied warranties, including the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for o particular
purpose, ore limited to one gear or the shortest period allowed by low.
Thiswarranty isextendedto theoriginal purchaser and ong succeedingowner forproducts purchasedfor homeusewithin the
USA.If theproduct islocatedin an area whereserviceby o GEAuthorizedServicerisnot available,you may be responsibleforo trip
chargeor you may berequired to bring theproduct to onAuthorized GEServicelocation forservice.Proofoforiginal purchasedote
isneededto obtain serviceunder thewarranty. InAlaska,the warranty excludesthe costofshipping or servicecallsto your home
Somestatesdo not allow the exclusionor limitation of incidentalor consequentialdamages.Thiswarranty gives you specific legal
rights,and you may alsohoveother rights which vary from state to state.Toknow what your legal rights ore,consultyour local
or stateconsumer affairsoffice or your state'sAttorney General.
Warrantor: General Electric Compung. Louisville, KY 40225
Whet Is Not Covered (for customers in Canada):
• Service trips to gour home to teach gou how to use
the product.
• Improper installation.
If gou have an installation problem, contact gour dealer
or installeE You are responsible for providing adequate
electrical, exhausting and other connecting facilities.
• Failure of the product if it is abused, misused, or used for
other than the intended purpose or used commerciallg.
• Replacement of house fuses or resetting of circuit breakers.
• Damage to the product caused bg accident, fire, floods
or acts of God.
• Damage caused after deliverg.
I EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES--Your sole and exclusive remedg is product repair as provided in this Limited I
Warranty. Ang implied warranties, including the implied warranties of merchantebilitg or fitness for a particular
purpose, ore limited to one gear or the shortest period allowed bg low.
This warranty is extended to the original purchaser and any succeeding owner for products purchased for home use within Canada.
tn home warranty service will be provided in areas where it is available and deemed reasonable by Ntabe to provide.
I Warrantor: MABE CANADA INC. I 25