How to operate your clothes washer
W~G—To reduce the risk of fwe, electric shock, or injury to persons,
read the IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS before operating this appliance.
Load the washer properly
● Add accurately-measured
detergent to empty tub. Seepages
11through 13.
● Load clothes loosely. Dry clothes
level should be no higher than the
top row of circular holes in the wash
tub. Do not put clothes on top of the
agitator or wind them around it.
For best results, mix large items
with small ones. When washing a
single heavy item, such as a shag
rug or bedspread, add one or two
other pieces to balance the load.
Large items should be no more
than one-half of the total load.
Here is a typical full load:
2 double sheets 2 long-sleeve
3 boxer shorts
3 T-shirts
4 standard
2 pair trousers
● Tobleach the load, measure
liquid bleach accordingto directions
on container.Afl.erwasherhas fdled
and agitatedfor severalminutes, add
diluted bleach to the wash water.
How to use powdered bleach,
fabric softenemand other laundry
products is explained on page 15.
● Close lid. Washer will fill and
agitate but will not spin with lid
open. This washer has a Safety Lid
Lock. As a safety measure the lid
will be automatically locked during
the spin portion of each cycle. The
lid will automatically unlock about
30 seconds after the end of the spin
cycle. Toopen lid during spin cycle,
push Cycle Selector IN and wait for
lid lock to release, about 30 seconds,
before opening.
For your personal safety, never
reach into washer while parts are
moving. Always stop washer to
load, unload, add forgotten items
or additional laundry aids.
washing temperature
water level
Set the controls
See the Controls Setting Guide on
@ Push Cycle Selector in and
pages 8 and 9. turn clockwise to your selected
~ Select WmhingTempemture.
Cold rinse will be automatically
provided with all cycles.
~ Select Water Level.
SMALL: Washer is less than 1/3
fill of clothes.
MEDIUM: Between 1/3and 2/3 full.
LARGE: Over 2/3 full of clothes.
wash cycle.
~ Pull Cycle Selector out to start
the cycle.
Note: If you have selected the Perrn
Press or Regular cycle and wish to “’
change cycle setting after washer
has s-wed, push Cycle Selector in
and wait for washer to stop. Then
reset to the new position. Setting
can be changed at any time during
the Perm Press or Regular cycle.
Self-cleaning lint filter. The lint
filter needs no attention from you.
Lint collected during washing and
rinsing of clothes is automatically
flushed down the drain.
How to soak in the washer
Set Washing Temperature control.
Add detergent or soak agent. Turn
Cycle Selector to desired cycle.
)elicate cycle
S~artthe washer. After washer fills
Toget the full benefit of the
and begins to agitate, push in the
Delicate Cycle, always set it at
Cycle Selectorto stopwasher.Allow
the beginning of the cycle. During
to soak for as lorw as desired. After
wash, the Delicate Cycle alternates
desired soak, tur; to the last Spin.
between agitation and pauses to
Pull out the Cycle Selector to
protect delicate clothes.
complete the cycle.