.. -.*
we’ll .BeThere
AGE Consumer Service professional
will provide expert repair service,
scheduIed at a time that’s convenient
for you.ManyGE Consumer Service
company-operated locations offer you
service today or tomorrow, or at your
convenience (700 a.m. to ZOOp.m.
weekda~ 9:00 a.m. to 2:00
days).Our factory-trainedtechnicians
knowyourappliance insideand out—
so most repairscan be handed injust
one visit.
/-’- ,1,
Whateveryourquestionabout anyGE
informationserviceis availableto
help.Yourcall-red yourquestion—
wilibe answeredpromptlyand
courteouslyAnd youcan cdl ay
time.GEAnswerCenkfl serviceis
open 24 hou~ a day 7 daysa week.
Youcanhavethe securefeelingthat
there afteryourwarrantyexpires.Pur-
chasea GE contractwhileyourwar-
rarityisstillin effectand you’llreceive
a substantialdiscount.
With a mult.iple-
year contract, you’re assured of fiture
service at today’sprices.
TelecommunicationDeticefortie Deti