Howtoremove stim
1. Try to removestainsas soonas
possible. The fresher the stain, the
easier it is to remove.
2e Beforeattemptingto remove
any stain, Wkethree steps:
~ Find the fabric and the finishin
the chart on thenextpage, anduse
only recommendedmethods.
=Check the care label instructions
that came with thegament.
@Teststain removalproducton a
hidden inside seam or on a sample
of the material.
@Avoiduse of hot wateron
unknown stain. It can set some
3. Followstainremovalwith
thorough rinsing.
4. Wash with recommended
amount of soap or detergent.
shinRemoval Hint—
using chlorine
white and Bleaehable Fabrics.
Mix 1/4cup (60 ml) chlorine
bleach with one gallon (3.8liter) of
cool water—approximately80”F.
(~°C.)–in a sinkor pan. Soak
stainedarea for 5 minutesand
launder in washer.
The Case of the 6’1nvisibIe95
Food or cookingoilson your
syntheticgarmentsmaycause stains
which are vitiually invisibleand
which you maynot noticeas you
put your clothesinto the washer.
If these stainsare not completely
removedin the wash, the oily spots
maypick up dirt from the wash
water. Then they will become very
visibleand youmaythink they-were
caused bythe wash cycleitself.
Once these spok become
Rub in undilutedliquid detergent
and let stand 30 minutes.
@Re-washusing hottest water the
fabric can stand.
How can you prevent these
Increase the amountofdetergent
normally used.
~Increase watertemperature where
fabric will permit.
~Washsyntheticgarments more
seenext page for
Shin RemovalGuide.