Use this
Advantium Oven
Problem Possible Causes What To Do/Explanation
The display is blank. Thedisplayhas •ChecktheSETTINGSmenuforclock
been turned off. display settings. Turn the display on.
“Control Panel Thecontrolhas •PressandholdCLEAR/OFFforabout
LOCKED” appears been locked. 3 seconds to unlock the control.
in display. See Other Features Section.
Control display is Clockisnotset. •Followpromptstosettheclock.
lighted yet oven
Doornotsecurelyclosed. •Openthedoorandclosesecurely.
will not start.
START/PAUSEpad •Followprompts
not pressed after entering
cooking selection.
DelayStartwas •PressCLEAR/OFFandreset.
accidentally set.
OvenisinDEMOMode •Unplugtheovenfor1minute,plug
the oven back into the wall DO NOT set
the oven clock, press and hold the HELP
and START/PAUSE pads for 3 seconds.
The control should exit DEMO mode.
Set clock and continue.
CLEAR/OFFwaspressed •Resetcookingprogramandpress
accidentally. START/PAUSE.
The door and inside Theoven •Thisisnormal.
of the oven feels hot. producesintenseheat •Useovenmittstoremovefoodwhen
in a small space. when ready.
Floor of the oven is Thecooktoplightis •Thisisnormal.
warm, even when located below the oven
the oven has not floor. When the light
been used. is on, the heat it produces
may make the oven floor
get warm.
Oven will not start.Afuseinyourhome •Replacefuseorresetcircuitbreaker.
may be blown or the
circuit breaker tripped.
Powersurge. •Unplugtheoven,thenplugitbackin.
Plugnotfullyinserted •Makesuretheplugontheovenis
into wall outlet. fully inserted into wall outlet.
Glass microwave •Aligntheprotrusionsonthebottomof
tray does not lock the glass microwave tray with the
into center hub. indentation in the turntable. This fit is
not tight, some movement is normal.