
4dvan:ium Oven
Cook By Time
and Cook By
Time 1 & 2
Use COOK BY _ :L:,IL and COOK BY
r,][,_IL; 1 U 21o microwav_ j3od :ka: Ls
no: in :}ur:c!p_ ._(:ion and a: :/u :imp(s)
m The power level is automatically
set at high, but _ou ca_3change it
ff)r more flexibility.
1. Press the COOK pad.
2. Turn the dial to select COOK BY
TE_']E or COOK BY TIME 1 & 2
and press the dial to enter.
3. Turn the dial to set the cook time
and press the dial to enter.
. 7:,lL 1 &_2(/_ou .sdec_(dCOOK BY _ _ :
:urn :ke dial :o.s_::}u .seco'ndcook :_m_
and p_s.s :1. dial :o _n:_:
NO_E': 7b cha_g_" the pow:'r k,vd
ff yo, do_, 't wa_</h[/ pow#<; pr_<ssthe
PO bT_R/TENIt' pad qjk'r e_:!<,ring"the
timeG). T, rw the dia{ to ._ek'cta_:d pr>>s
the dial to e_t:'_:
4. Press the dial or the START/
PA(_rSE pad to start cooking.
}bum 0 open :k( door durMg COOK BY
TIMId2 a_.] COOK 1:_} ;'__1 [, 4L ! &'_2 :o
H.@ du, fi:od. Clo.s, :/.,door (rod pn<s.s
START/PAUSE :o nsum_ cookM K.
@@ @@ @ ..
Press EXPRESS repeatedly ffw
30 second increments of microwave
cooking time. (Aen starts
power [eve[(O
First, %llow directions R)r COOK
T ( :
BYTIME, C ) )K B_ TIME 1% 2,
Press the POWER/TEMP pad.
Tmn the dial clockwise to increase
and (om_terclockwise to decrease
the power level. Press the dial
to emer.
4. Press the dial or the ST}4,RT/
PAI,)SE pad to start cooking.
}9. ca_: ch._g'u the pow#r k'vel b@m"
or du_J:nK <,'(ook_ K progw<:n*.
H_n <_><.some (x.mpks' of u.s<sJ%"
Higk IO: Fish, bacon, vegetables,
boiling liquids.
Med-H'(¢k 7." Gentle cooking of meat
and poulUT; baking casseroles and
re he ati n g.
Medium 5: Slow cooking and
tenderizing ff)r stews and less
tender cuts of meat.
Low 2 or 3: Defrosting; simmering;
delicate sauces.
Warm h Keeping %od warn<
softel_ing butter.
See the Favorite recipe sections in
the Speedcook section of this book
for instructions on how to save, use,
chang_ or delete a favorite recipe.
Cooking tips
When cooking bacon, laver strips
(m a plate. Co_er ea(h la_er with
a paper towel.
When cooking vegetables,
//se a micro_me-sa% casserole
or bowl. Co_er with a microwave-
safe lid or _ented plastic v, rap.
For Dozen vegetables, %llow
the package instructions fi)-r
addi_ g ware r.
For flesh vegetables, add
2 tablespoons of water ff)-r
each serving.