Version: Sept. 2006
L Always check if the clamps are mounted correctly on the frame during the placement of the seat
Make sure the locking clamps are locked before commencing to push your child in the Gemini.
L The person who operates the wheelchair must be aware of the responsibility of his actions
concerning the correct usage of the Gemini.
L Make sure no loose or hanging objects are stuck between the seat element and the supportive
part of the Gemini.
L Usage of the Gemini without seat element is strictly forbidden!
L All connections must be secured and checked before using the Gemini.
L We shall decline all liability for damage caused by improper use.
The seat of the Gemini can only be extended with additional elements after approval of your retailer.
The foot support of the Gemini consists out of:
1. A foldable footplate
2. Undercarriage with blocking pins
3. Hinged upperparts with regulating strips
The foot support segment is connected to the seat module through a plate, which acts as a depth
regulator for the seat. This design allows your child to put its legs in any desired position.
Positions of the footplate
By default the footplate is in a horizontal position.
With the emphasis on transport and rehabilitation and getting out of the Gemini, the footplate must be
turned into the direction of the undercarriage of the foot support.
The footplate has been equipped with limiters at the rear and the sides to prevent uncontrollable
sliding of the feet. As additional security, foot belts (B19) have been implemented.