Power Systems, Inc.
Thank you for purchasing this generator by Generac
Power Systems, Inc. This model is designed and
manufactured to supply electrical power for recre-
ational vehicles.
If any portion of this manualis not understood, con-
tact the nearest Generac Authorized Service Dealer
for starting, operating, and servicing procedures.
Throughout this publication, and on tags and
decals affixed to the generator, DANGER, WARNING,
CAUTION, and NOTE blocks are used to alert per-
sonnel to special instructions about a particular
operation that may be hazardous if performed incor-
rectly or carelessly. Observe them carefully. Their def-
initions are as follows:
After this heading, read instructions that, if not
strictly complied with, will result in serious person-
al injury, death or severe property damage.
After this heading, read instructions that, if not
strictly complied with, may result in personal
injury or property damage.
After this heading, read instructions that, if not
strictly complied with, could result in damage to
equipment and/or property.
After this heading, read explanatory statements
that require special emphasis.
These safety warnings cannot eliminate the hazards
that they indicate. Common sense and strict compli-
ance with the special instructions while performing
the service are essential for preventing accidents.
Four commonly used safety symbols accompany the
DANGER, WARNING, and CAUTION blocks. Here are
the types of information indicated by each symbol:
This symbol points out important safety infor-
mation that, if not followed, could endanger
personal safety and/or property to self and oth-
This symbol points out potential explosion haz-
This symbol points out potential fire hazard.
This symbol points out potential electrical
shock hazard.
The operator (i.e., the driver) is responsible for the
proper and safe use of the vehicle and its equipment,
and for the safety of all vehicle occupants. Before
using this equipment, we strongly recommend that
the operator read this manual and thoroughly under-
stand all instructions. We also strongly recommend
instructing other occupants in the vehicle to properly
start and operate the generator. This prepares them
to operate the equipment in case of an emergency.
This manual contains pertinent owner’s information,
including warranty, electrical diagrams, exploded
views, and lists of repair parts for generator models
000941-4. In addition, the latter portion of this man-
ual contains information necessary for the proper
installation of these generators.
It is the operator's responsibility to perform all safe-
ty checks, to make sure that all maintenance for safe
operation is performed promptly, and to have the
equipment checked periodically by a Generac
Authorized Service Dealer. Normal maintenance ser-
vice and replacement of parts are the responsibilities
of the owner/operator and, as such, are not consid-
ered defects in materials or workmanship within the
terms of the warranty. Individual operating habits
and usage contribute to the need for maintenance
Proper maintenance and care of the generator mini-
mize problems and operating expenses. See the
Generac Authorized Service Dealer for service aids
and accessories.
When the generator requires servicing or repairs,
simply contact a Generac Authorized Service Dealer
for assistance. Service technicians are factory-trained
and are capable of handling all service needs.
When contacting a Generac Authorized Service
Dealer or the factory about parts and service, always
supply the complete model number and serial num-
ber of the unit, as given on its data decal, which is
located on the generator.
Model No. ____________ Serial No. ______________