Automatic Standby Generator Owner’s Manual 21
Section 4 Maintenance
NOTE: Proper maintenance and proper and safe operation is crucial to the life of the generator. Genuine Generac parts MUST be used
to ensure warranty coverage
NOTE: Since most maintenance alerts occur at the same time (most have two year intervals), only one will appear at any one time.
Clearing one will cause the next active alert to be displayed.
All service work to this generator must be performed by a qualified service person only.
4.1 — Performing Scheduled Maintenance
It is important to perform Maintenance as specified in the Service Schedule for proper generator operation and to ensure that the generator com-
plies with the applicable emission standards for the duration of its useful life. Service and repairs may be performed by any qualified service per-
son or repair shop. Additionally, emissions critical maintenance must be performed as scheduled in order for the Emissions Warranty to be valid.
Emissions critical maintenance consists of servicing the air filter and spark plugs in accordance with the Service Schedule. The controller will
prompt for Schedule A or Schedule B maintenance to be performed. Schedule A maintenance consists of the oil, oil filter and tune-up. Schedule
B maintenance includes the oil, oil filter, tune-up, air cleaner, spark plug(s) and valve clearance.
4.2 — Service Schedule
System Component Procedure Frequency
X = Action
R= Replace as Necessary
* = Notify Dealer if Repair is Needed
Inspect Change Clean
W = Weekly
M = Monthly
Y = Yearly
Fuel lines and connections* X M
Oil level X M or 24 hours of continuous operation
Oil X 2Y or 200 hours of operation**
Oil filter X 2Y or 200 hours of operation**
Enclosure louvers X X W
Remove corrosion, ensure dryness X X Y
Clean and tighten battery terminals X X Y
Check charge state X X Y
Electrolyte level (unsealed batteries only)* X X Every 6 M
Engine and Mounting
Air cleaner X X 400 hours
Spark plug(s) X X 400 hours
Valve Clearance X 400 hours***
General Condition
Vibration, Noise, Leakage* X M
Complete Tune-Up* independent Authorized Dealer must perform 2Y or 200 hours
* Contact the nearest Dealer for assistance if necessary.
** Change oil and filter after the first 25 hours of operation. Continue to check at intervals of 200 hours or 2 years, whichever occurs first. Severe duty oil drain inter-
vals: In cold weather conditions (ambient below 40
ºF/4.4 ºC) change engine oil and filter every year or 100 hours of operation to prevent accumulation of water
in the oil. If the unit will be operated continuously in hot ambient conditions (ambient above 85
ºF/29.4 ºC), change every year or 100 hours of operation.
*** Check valve clearance after the first 25 hours of operation. Continue to check at intervals of 400 hours.