This generator is an engine-driven, revolving field,
alternating current (AC) generator. It was designed to
supply electrical power for operating compatible
electrical lighting, appliance, tool and motor loads.
This manual contains information for a generator that
operates 120 and/or 240 Volts, single phase, 60Hz
devices that require up to 7500 watts (7.5 kW) of
power that pull up to 62.5 Amps at 120 Volts or
31.2 Amps at 240 Volts.
A CAUTION: Do Not exceed the generator's
wattage/amperage capacity Add up the rated
watts of all devices you are connecting to
generator receptacles at one time. This total
should not be greater than 7,500 watts for this
generator. In most cases rated watts of the
electrical device can be found on the device
nameplate. If the device nameplate gives only
volts and amps, multiply volts times amps to
obtain watts (volts x amps = watts).
The generator's revolving field is driven at about
3600 rpm by a single cylinder engine.
Every effort has been expended to make sure that the
information in this manual is both accurate and
current. However, Generac reserves the right to
change, alter or otherwise improve the product at any
time without prior notice.
DANGER: Do Not tamper with engine
governed speed. High operating speeds are
dangerous and increase risk of personal injury
or damage to equipment The generator
supplies correctly rated frequency and voltage
only when running at proper governed speed.
Incorrect frequency and/or voltage can damage
some connected electrical loads Operating at
excessively low speeds imposes a heavy load
at such reduced speeds, when adequate
engine power is not available, and may shorten
engine life
This generator set was designed and manufactured
for specific applications. Do Not attempt to modify the
unit or use it for any application it was not designed
for. If you have any questions about your generator's
application, ask your dealer or consult the factory.
The manufacturer could not possibly anticipate every
circumstance that might involve a hazard. For that
reason, warnings in the manual and warnings on tags
or decals affixed to the unit are not all-inclusive. If you
intend to handle, operate or service the unit by a
procedure or method not specifically recommended by
the manufacturer, first make sure that such a
procedure or method will not render this equipment
unsafe or pose a threat to you and others.
Read this manual carefully and become familiar
with your generator set. Know its applications, its
limitations and any hazards involved.
• The generator produces a very powerful voltage that
can cause extremely dangerous electrical shock.
Avoid contact with bare wires, terminals, etc. Never
permit any unqualified person to operate or service
the generator.
• Never handle any kind of electrical cord or device
while standing in water, while barefoot or while
hands or feet are wet.
• The National Electric Code requires the frame and
external electrically conductive parts of generator be
properly connected to an approved earth ground.
Local electrical codes may also require proper
grounding of the generator. Consult with a local
electrician for grounding requirements in your area.
• Use a ground fault circuit interrupter in any damp or
highly conductive area (such as metal decking or
steel work).