Generac Power Systems, Inc. • S45 W29290 HWY. 59, Waukesha, WI 53189 • generac.com
©2011 Generac Power Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. All specifications are subject to change without notice. Bulletin 0187670SBY-F / Printed in U.S.A. 12/16/11
Model # Product Description
6175 Cold Weather Kit
If the temperature regularly falls below 32° F, install a cold weather kit to maintain
optimal battery temperature. Kit consists of battery warmer with thermostat built into
the wrap.
6174 Extreme Cold Weather Kit
Recommended where the temperature regularly falls below 32° F for extended periods
of time. For liquid cooled units only.
5651 Base Plug Kit Add base plugs to the base of the generator to keep out debris.
5703 Paint Kit Bisque Kit
6176 Scheduled Maintenance Kit
The Liquid-Cooled Scheduled Maintenance Kits offer all the hardware necessary to
perform a complete maintenance on Generac liquidcooled generators.
5928 Nexus Wireless Remote
Completely wireless and battery powered, Generac's Nexus wireless remote monitor
provides you with instant status information without ever leaving the house.
Advanced Nexus Wireless
Remotely control generator functions with the advanced model's LCD display. In
addition to remote testing of the generator, set the excercise cycle and maintenance
interval reminders
DLM Load Control Module
(50 Amps)
DLM Modules are used in conjunction with the Nexus Smart Switch to increase
its load management capabilities. It gives the Nexus Smart Switch additional load
management flexibility not found in any other transfer switch.