absolute fidelity
Tuning the system
Music is the best way to begin to fine-tune your setup. We suggest
that video sources be used only after you have setup the system to
properly reproduce music. Fine-tune your system only after at least
200 hours of play. As the loudspeaker system breaks in, it will
sound better and better. Using the IsoTek Full System Enhancment
CD will shortcut the 200 hours needed.
Begin with the bass level
Start with a single vocal with simple instrumental accompaniment
because the sound of the human voice is more easily recognizable
than many instruments and is the least complex sound to deal
Leave the low pass filter alone, for the moment, as it should remain
set at 95 Hz, This control will be addressed later. Turn the volume
control of the woofer amplifier up or down until the voice sounds
correct. Whatever controls you use, turn them up and down only a
little at a time. It is easy to turn it up or down too much.
Concentrate on the mid bass regions (as opposed to the very low
bass in your recording) to achieve a natural blend. The voice and
the music accompaniment should sound as if it were cut from one
cloth, not separate.
If the voice sounds “thin” or does not have enough “chest” to its
sound, turn the woofers amplifier’s volume up till it does. If you find
that turning the volume up creates too much low bass, decrease
the low pass filter control.
The low-pass control will raise or lower the frequency cutoff point of
the woofer. Turning the low pass filter up to a higher number will
extend the upper bass regions without affecting the low bass level.
Some rooms may require that you set the low-pass filter to 100Hz.
Do not be afraid to increase this control to give the sound more
Next, set the woofers using more than just a voice. Select some
music that you know to have good deep bass. Using the volume
control on the servo amplifier’s remote control, set the woofers for a
natural and powerful bass sound. Use a symphonic piece of music
if you can, or use a natural bass instrument for your guide. Try to