Standard Functions
Automatic print head gap adjustment (AGA)
Automatic paper path switching via operator panel or S/W commands
Paper parking
Plug & Play capability
Bar Code printing
Automatic fanfold positioning for tear-off
Setting and storage of paper format and print conditions for each paper path in the non volatile memory
Physical and Electrical Characteristics
Parallel Centronics Compatible Bi-directional (IEEE-1284) nibble and byte modes - 36 pin
Amphenol connector, 7/8 data bits
Receive Buffer: max. 32 Kbytes
Serial RS-232/C and RS-422/A - dB 25 connector
Baud Rate: 300 to 38400 bps, 7/8 data bits, DTR & XonXoff flow
Receive Buffer: max. 32 Kbytes
Automatic interface switching
Reliability Requirements
MTBF Mean Time between failure: 10000 hours at 25% DC
MTTR Mean Time To Repair: 30 minutes
Workload 35,000 pages/month (ECMA 132 - 4 hours for 20 days)
Printer Life 5 years or 10000 hours @25%