Publication No. GEG-99141 Genicom Apr 02
D-4 GENICOM Intelliprint cL160 User Guide
Server Commands
DEFINE SERVER SOFTWARE “filename” Specifies the name or path (TCP) of the
software download file. The filename can be
up to 11 characters, and the pathname can
be up to 26. The Server will add a “.SYS”
DEFINE SERVER SUBNET MASK ipmask Specifies the subnet mask to be used for
the Server. The
ipmask must be in n.n.n.n
HELP option <nothing> Displays a list of top-level (general) Help
<keyword> Displays information about the keyword(s)
entered. Multiple keywords must be
specified in the order they occur in a
DEFINE SERVICE “name” PORT num Creates a new service and associates it with
the specified port.
“name” option
APPLETALK {EN|DIS} Toggles whether the named service can be
used to service networks running the
specified protocol. RTEL applies to TCP/IP
“name” option
BANNER {EN|DIS} When Enabled, causes the Server to print a
banner page before jobs.
BINARY {EN|DIS} When Enabled, the Server will not process
data passed through the service. This
characteristic should be enabled when
printing PCL data.
EOJ string Causes the Server to send an end-of-job
string to the attached device after every
job. Enter an end string or the word none.
FORMFEED {EN|DIS} When Enabled, causes the Server to append
a formfeed to the end of LPR print jobs.
PSCONVERT {EN|DIS} When Enabled, causes the Server to place a
PostScript wrapper around each job.
SOJ string Causes the Server to send a start-of-job
string to the attached device before every
job. Enter a start string or the word none.
Frequently-used Server Commands
Command Option(s) Description