Part No. 33547 Genie Superlift Contractor 13
Operator's ManualFirst Edition • Eighth Printing
Workplace Inspection
The workplace inspection helps the operator
determine if the workplace is suitable for safe
machine operation. It should be performed by the
operator prior to moving the machine to the
It is the operator's responsibility to read and
remember the workplace hazards, then watch for
and avoid them while moving, setting up and
operating the machine.
Do Not Operate Unless:
You learn and practice the principles of safe
machine operation contained in this operator's
1 Avoid hazardous situations.
2 Always perform a pre-operation
3 Always perform function tests prior to use.
4 Inspect the workplace.
Know and understand the workplace
inspection before going on to the next
5 Only use the machine as it was intended.
Be aware of and avoid the following hazardous
· drop-offs or holes
· bumps and floor obstructions
· debris
· overhead obstructions and high voltage
· hazardous locations
· sloped surfaces
· unstable or slippery surfaces
· inadequate surface support to withstand all
load forces imposed by the machine
· wind and weather conditions
· all other possible unsafe conditions