
2.3. Camera Title
Allows you to create a unique name for each camera. The camera title has the following
- Characters: A to Z, 0 to 9. Special characters are supported by network.
- Length: up to 12 characters, including spaces.
To create a camera title, use the virtual keyboard or press the appropriate numeric
button on the IR Remote or the front panel.
<Virtual Keyboard via Mouse>
<on IR Remote Controller or Front Panel >
To save changes and exit the menu, press the [MENU] button.
To exit the menu without making changes, press the [CANCEL] button.
No 1st 2nd 3rd No 1st 2nd 3rd
1 A B 1 9 Q R 9
2 C D 2 10/0 S T 10
3 E F 3 11 U V 11
4 G H 4 12 W X
5 I J 5 13 Y Z
6 K L 6 14 . @
7 M N 7 15 - _
8 O P 8 16 SPACE