GA-K8U-939 Motherboard - 66 -
RAID BIOS Setup Utility (c) 2004 ALi Corporation www.ali.com.tw
SPACE: Select
: Moving Cursor
Enter : Select & Finish
ESC : Exit
Drive Model Mode Capacity RAID Array/Type
Channel 1 Master : ST3120026AS SATA 1 120034 MB
Channel 2 Master : ST3120026AS SATA 1 120034 MB
Capacity RAID Type Stripe Size RAID Name
RAID Array A :
RAID Array B :
RAID Array C :
Create RAID 0 Striping for Performance
Create RAID 1 Mirroring for Reliability
Create JBOD for integrated Capacity
Stripe Size 64K
Delete RAID Settings & Partition
Delete All RAID Settings & Partition
Rebuild RAID Array
There are three major areas in the RAID BIOS setup screen: Main Menu, Drive Select Menu and RAID
Array List. (as Figure below)
1. Create RAID 0 Striping for Performance
Press Enter on Create RAID 0 Striping for Performance item. An "S" flash cursor appears at the Drive
Select Menu for the user to choose the first drive for RAID 0. Use Space key to select the desired drive for
RAID 0. Then the flash cursor changes to an "s" flash cursor for the user to choose the second drive for RAID
0. (as Figure below)
Main Menu
Drive Select MenuRAID Array List
Press Space key to select the second drive. The prompt "Data on RAID Drives will be deleted (Y/N)?"
appears after two drives are properly assigned. Press Y, and then some necessary information will be written
to the drives, which will destroy the original data in the drives.
RAID BIOS Setup Utility (c) 2004 ALi Corporation www.ali.com.tw
SPACE: Select
: Moving Cursor
Enter : Select & Finish
ESC : Exit
Drive Model Mode Capacity RAID Array/Type
Channel 1 Master : ST3120026AS SATA 1 120034 MB
Channel 2 Master : ST3120026AS SATA 1 120034 MB
Capacity RAID Type Stripe Size RAID Name
RAID Array A :
RAID Array B :
RAID Array C :
Create RAID 0 Striping for Performance
Create RAID 1 Mirroring for Reliability
Create JBOD for integrated Capacity
Stripe Size 64K
Delete RAID Settings & Partition
Delete All RAID Settings & Partition
Rebuild RAID Array
Select Stripe Drives
Make sure the data in drives is no longer in use before creating RAID 0.