Weight of the Trailer
How heavy can a trailer safely be?
It depends on how you plan to use your rig. For example,
speed, altitude, road grades, outside temperature and how
much your vehicle is used to pull a trailer are all
important. And, it can also depend on any special
equipment that you have on your vehicle.
Use one of the following charts to determine how much
your vehicle can weigh, based upon your vehicle model
and options.
Maximum trailer weight is calculated assuming the
driver and one passenger are in the tow vehicle and it
has all the required trailering equipment. The weight of
additional optional equipment, passengers and cargo in
the tow vehicle must be subtracted from the maximum
trailer weight.
Above the 5,000 lbs. (2 268 kg) trailer rating, the
handling/trailering suspension is required on
-1500 models and the handling/trailering or off-road
suspension is required on K
-1500 models. The engine
oil cooler and the heavy
-duty trailering package is required
on C/K
-2500 models with the VORTEC 6000 engine.
-1500 (2WD)*
Engine (Trans.) Axle
Max. Trailer Wt.
4300 V6 (Auto) 3.08 4,000 lbs. (1 814 kg)
3.42 4,500 lbs. (2 041 kg)
3.73 5,000 lbs. (2 268 kg)
4300 V6 (Manual) 3.08 3,500 lbs. (1 588 kg)
3.42 4,000 lbs. (1 814 kg)
4800 V8 (Auto) 3.42 6,000 lbs. (2 722 kg)
3.73 7,000 lbs. (3 175 kg)
4800 V8 (Manual) 3.42 4,000 lbs. (1 814 kg)
3.73 5,000 lbs. (2 268 kg)
5300 V8 3.42 7,000 lbs. (3 175 kg)
3.73 8,200 lbs. (3 720 kg)
* Weight distributing hitch tongue weight 10% to
15% of hitch pulling weight 1,000 lb. (454 kg)
maximum. Fifth
-wheel hitch tongue weight 15% to
25% of hitch pulling weight 1,500 lb (680 kg) maximum.