Compass Onwer’s Manual – Models GP600 SS, GP600 CC, GP601SS, GP601 CC Revised 060208
For Compass Units with the A-SERIES Controller
Flash codes indicate the nature of an abnormal condition directly from the A – Series
Information Gauge. Without the use of any servicing tools, the condition can be
simply diagnosed.
Description Recommended Action
1 User Fault Possible stall timeout or user error. Release
the joystick to neutral and try again.
2 Battery Fault Check the batteries and cabling. Try charging
the batteries. Batteries may require replacing.
3 Right Motor Fault Check the right motor, connections and
4 Left motor fault Check the left motor, connections and
5 Right park brake fault Check the right park brake, connections and
6 Left park brake fault Check the left park brake, connections and
7 User Interface Fault Display PCB Fault
Consult a Service Agent
8 Controller Fault Consult a Service Agent
9 A – Series Bus
Communications Fault
Consult a Service Agent