7.3. Handshake Messages
Serial Interface
These lines indicate the printer status to the sender;
DTR (device is on) is rather insignificant and is in general
not used.
RTS high (+8 V) indicates: printer is ready to receive.
RTS low (-7 V) indicates: printer is not ready to receive.
The reasons for printer not being ready could be:
Out of paper
Print interval running
Buffer is full
Change menu
RTS / DTR are only used by the RS 232 C interface and
can be used for interface I and II.
The addressing protocol is:
<Ctrl E> address <Ctrl E> characters ...<CR> <Ctrl D>
A text of more than one line is possible.
( <Ctrl E>, <Ctrl D>, see appendix).
A transmission is only accepted if the sequence <Ctrl E>
address <Ctrl E> is used !
e.g. print date/time/text:
<Ctrl E> address <Ctrl E> <Ctrl \> <CR> characters...
<CR> <Ctrl D>
Protocol &
Address / ASCII character assignment example:
Address Address in corresponding
Protocol (HEX) ASCII - character
0 - without addressing
. . .
. . .
. . .
30 4 E N
31 4 F O