22 312066Z
Erratic hose temperature.
Faulty thermocouple connections. Verify that all FTS connections are snug
and that pins of connectors are clean.
Examine connection of thermocouples to
long green plug on heater control board.
Unplug and re-plug thermocouple wires,
cleaning off any debris. Unplug and
re-plug long green connector.
FTS not installed correctly. FTS should be installed close to end of
hose in same environment as gun. Verify
FTS installation, page 44.
Missing/damaged insulation around
FTS, causing the hose heat to be ON
Ensure hose bundle has adequate insula-
tion evenly covering the entire length and
connection joints.
Hose does not heat.
FTS failed or is not contacting
Check FTS, page 44.
FTS not installed correctly. FTS should be installed close to end of
hose in same environment as gun. Verify
FTS installation, page 44.
Temperature control alarm. Check temperature display or diagnostic
code, page 44.
Hoses near Reactor are warm,
but hoses downstream are cold.
Shorted connection or failed hose
heating element.
With hose heat on and temperature set-
point above displayed hose zone tem-
perature, verify voltage between
connectors at each section of hose.
Voltage should drop incrementally for
each section of hose further from Reactor.
Use safety precautions when hose heat is
turned on.
No hose heat. Loose hose electrical connections. Check connections. Repair as necessary.
Circuit breakers tripped. Reset breakers (CB1 or CB2), page 32.
Hose zone not turned on.
Press zone key.
A and B temperature setpoints too
Check. Increase if necessary.
Failed temperature control board. Open cabinet. Check if board LED is
blinking. If not, check power wiring con-
nections to ensure board has power. If
board has power and LED is not blinking,
replace board, page 37.
Low hose heat. A and B temperature setpoints too
Increase A and B setpoints. Hose
designed to maintain temperature, not
increase temperature.
Hose temperature setpoint too low. Check. Increase if necessary to maintain
Flow too high. Use smaller mix chamber. Decrease pres-
Low current; FTS not installed. Install FTS, see operation manual.
Hose heat zone not turned on long
Allow hose to heat up, or preheat fluid.
Loose hose electrical connections. Check connections. Repair as necessary.