Basic Operation
3A0869H 35
8. If the system is not completely clean, repeat step 6.
NOTE: If necessary, adjust purge sequence times
so only one cycle is required.
9. Trigger the gun to relieve pressure. Engage trigger
10. If spray tip was removed, reinstall it.
11. Adjust the solvent supply regulator back to its nor-
mal operating pressure.
NOTE: The system remains full of solvent.
NOTE: If your system uses 2 guns, you must trigger
both guns simultaneously during a purge to purge both
guns and lines. Verify that clean solvent flows from each
gun. If not, repeat purge or clear clog/blockage in sys-
Color Change
Color Change Sequence
Step 1. Color Purge. The system flushes out the color
with solvent. The selected color change solvent valve
opens during Purge Time and closes when the time
Step 2. Catalyst Purge. The system flushes out the
catalyst with solvent. The catalyst change solvent valve
opens during Purge Time and closes when the time
Step 3. Final Purge. The system fills the line with the
selected purge media (usually solvent). The selected
purge valve opens during the Final Purge Time and
closes when the time expires.
Step 4. Catalyst Fill. The system fills the line with new
catalyst. The new catalyst valve opens during the Fill
Time and closes when the fill volume is reached.
Step 5. Color Fill. The system fills the line with new
color. The new color valve opens during the Fill Time
and closes when the fill volume is reached.
Step 6. Mixed Material Fill. The system fills the line
with mixed material. The system begins mixing compo-
nents A and B until the fill volume expires.
Color Change Procedures
1. Place the gun in the gun flush box if used, and close
the lid.
2. Press on Run Mix Spray (Screen 2) or
from any screen to put the system in Standby.
3. Use the scroll keys,
to select the new
color. Press
to begin the color change
4. If a gun flush box is not used, trigger
the gun into a grounded metal pail
until the color change sequence is
complete. If your system has two
guns, trigger both guns at the same
NOTE: The color change timer does not start until
the gun is triggered and fluid flow is detected. If no
flow is detected within 2 minutes, the color change
operation aborts. The Display Module enters
Standby mode at the previous color.
Error SG occurs if the gun flush box is open.
Error SAD1 or SAD2 occurs if the AFS is on.
5. Trigger the gun (or guns) while the system flushes
the current color, purges with solvent, and loads the
new color.
NOTE: If your system uses 2 guns, you must trigger
both guns simultaneously during the entire color purge,
solvent purge, and load color sequence.
NOTE: If you do not see clear solvent flow, the system
did not flush successfully. Stop the color change. Look
for a clog in the line or increase the flush time.
6. During color change, the Recipe icon blinks on and
off, and you’ll see the number of the current color
and the new color. When the color change is com-
plete, Standby is highlighted.
7. When you are ready to spray, remove the gun from
the gun flush box if used, and close its door.
NOTE: The gun flush box door must be closed for
the atomizing air valve to open.
8. Press to start spraying.