24 3A1696C
Kohler Engine
Paint Pumps
Paint and Paint Manufacturers
Engine not starting Programmable Skipline Controller is
shut off, or engine is out of fuel
1. Turn on Programmable Skipline Control-
ler. Engine will not start with control off.
2. Check fuel supply.
3. See Kohler engine instruction manual.
Engine stalling Engine fuel tank is empty or not breath-
ing, or engine oil is low.
1. Check fuel supply. Open breather on
fuel tank. Check engine oil level.
2. See Kohler engine instruction manual.
Pumps wearing prematurely
Reduce premature pump wear and costly down-time with the following tips:
• Keep piston throat full of TSL
• If possible, shorten lines to reduce pump back pressure
• Use Graco strainer at pump inlet to filter-out dried paint and debris
• Inspect internal suction hoses for paint build-up, which can cause pump starving
• Replace pump packings seasonally to increase piston and sleeve life
• Always keep hydraulic reservoir full to reduce heat build-up
Do not know what type of paint to use
When ordering paint from manufacturer:
• Inform paint suppliers of type of equipment to be used (RoadLazer), filter screen
sizes (30 mesh) and tip sizes (33 to 45 thousands)
• Require that paint must pass through a 30-mesh filter with minimal filter plugging
Things to know about waterborne paint and striping equipment:
• Flush waterborne paints from system if system is not used on a regular basis.
Waterborne paints do not dilute easily. Use warm soapy water to flush system.
• Waterborne paints will not redissolve. Dried paint film in paint containers or paint
suction lines must be removed. Graco offers a Suction Line Strainer Kit 24G774
that should be installed at least 2 ft from pump inlet to remove contamination.
Strainers must be cleaned regularly to avoid pump starving or cavitation.
• Waterborne paints cannot freeze or tolerate temperatures above 120° F (49° C).
Consult paint manufacturer.
• With age, waterborne paint pigments settle to bottom of container. Never use set-
tled paint without agitating. It is important to order fresh paint. Require paint manu-
facturers to supply manufactured dates and stagger shipments throughout striping