Edge 605/705 Owner’s Manual 41
USinG acceSSorieS
5. Press the Reset button on
the GSC 10. The LED turns
red, then green. Pedal to test
the sensor alignment. The
red LED blinks each time the
crank arm passes the sensor,
and the green LED blinks each
time the wheel magnet passes
the sensor arm.
NOTE: The LED blinks
for the rst 60 passes after
a reset. Press Reset again
if you require additional
6. When everything is aligned
and working correctly, tighten
the cable ties, sensor arm, and
spoke magnet.
Training with Cadence
Cadence is your rate of pedaling or
“spinning” measured by the number
of revolutions of the crank arm per
minute (rpm). There are two sensors
on the GSC 10: one for cadence and
one for speed.
For information about cadence alerts,
see page 19.
For information about speed zones,
see page 56.
GSC 10 Battery
For GSC 10 battery information, see
page 61.