Initial Startup
3A1569B 23
Supply Wet-Cups with Throat
Seal Liquid
1. Component A (ISO) Pump: Keep reservoir (Z) 3/4
filled with TSL. Wet-cup piston circulates TSL
through wet-cup to carry away isocyanate film on
displacement rod. Change the fluid in the reservoir
when it becomes milky-looking.
2. Component B (Resin) Pump: Check felt washers
in packing nut/wet-cup (AK) daily. Keep saturated
with TSL to prevent material from hardening on dis-
placement rod. Replace felt washers when worn or
contaminated with hardened material.
Pump rod and connecting rod move during operation.
Moving parts can cause serious injury such as
pinching or amputation. Keep hands and fingers
away from wet-cup during operation. Close main air
valve before filling wet-cup.