Following Your Route
42 nüvifone A50 Owner’s Manual
Zoom far out to view a
globe. Touch and drag to
spin the globe.
Touch to rotate the map.
Touch to view the map in
two-dimensions (2-D).
Touch to view the map in
three-dimensions (3-D).
Touch to centre the map on
your location.
Touch anywhere on the map.
An arrow points to the location.
Touch for more options.
NOTE: You can only see detailed map
information for areas for which you
have maps loaded on your device.
About Usage Modes
You can navigate to a destination in
Driving mode or in Walking mode.
The navigation tools vary slightly
based on your usage mode.
In Driving mode, your device
calculates routes for vehicles. These
routes obey trafc rules, such as for
one-way streets. Your device uses
typical vehicle speeds when estimating
your arrival time.
In Walking mode, your device
calculates routes for walking. These
routes avoid motorways in favour
of smaller streets. Your device
uses typical walking speeds when
estimating your arrival time. If you
have cityXplorer
maps installed,
your device may include public transit
systems in walking routes.