
88 nüvifone M20 Owner’s Manual
nüMaps Guarantee
To receive one free map update (if
available), register your nüvifone
at www.garminasus.com within
60 days of acquiring satellites and
driving with your nüvifone. You are
not eligible for the free map update if
you register by phone or wait longer
than 60 days after the rst time you
drive with your nüvifone.
Additional Maps
You can purchase additional maps
for your nüvifone. To see a list of
maps that are compatible with your
nüvifone, go to (www.garminasus
Update the Software
Go to www.garminasus.com
/nuvifoneM20 to download the latest
software update.
Reset the nüvifone
If the nüvifone stops functioning,
turn off the nüvifone, and then turn
on the nüvifone.
If this does not help, remove the
battery cover. Using the stylus, press
the red Reset button. The nüvifone
should restart and operate normally.
Battery Information
The battery icon in the status
bar indicates the status of the internal
battery. To increase the accuracy of
the battery gauge, fully discharge
the battery and then fully charge it;
do not unplug the nüvifone until it is
totally charged.