6 306926
Pressure Relief Procedure
Fluid under high pressure can be in-
jected through the skin and cause seri-
ous injury. To reduce the risk of an injury
from injection, splashing fluid, or moving parts, fol-
low the Pressure Relief Procedure whenever you:
D are instructed to relieve the pressure,
D stop spraying,
D check or service any of the system equipment,
D or install or clean the spray tips.
1. Lock the gun trigger safety.
2. Close the air regulator.
3. Close the bleed-type master air valve (E).
4. Unlock the gun trigger safety.
5. Hold a metal part of the gun firmly to the side of a
grounded metal pail, and trigger the gun to relieve
6. Lock the gun trigger safety.
7. Open the drain valve (required in your system),
having a container ready to catch the drainage.
8. Leave the drain valve open until you are ready to
spray again.
If you suspect that the spray tip or hose is completely
clogged, or that pressure has not been fully relieved
after following the steps above, very slowly loosen the
tip guard retaining nut or hose end coupling and relieve
pressure gradually. Then, loosen completely. Clear the
tip or hose obstruction.
Pump Operation
Prepare the cleaning solution according to the
manufacturer’s instructions. For your own safety, be
sure to observe all warnings. If you are using pow-
dered cleaners, mix them thoroughly in a separate pail
before adding them to a supply drum. Undissolved
powders are extremely abrasive and may damage
pump parts.
Wear appropriate protective clothing, such as
waterproof outerwear and eye goggles, according
to the cleaner manufacturer’s recommendations.
Cleaning chemicals may be toxic, and cause
serious irritation to your eyes or skin.
See Fig. 2. To start the pump, close the bleed–type
master air valve (E), close the air regulator (24) by
turning the T-handle all the counterclockwise until the
spring tension is relieved. Open the shutoff valve, hold
a metal part of the gun firmly to the side of a grounded
metal pail, trigger the gun, and slowly open the regula-
tor until fluid comes from the gun. Release the trigger;
the pump will stall against pressure.
When supplied with an adequate air pressure and
volume, the pump will start and stop as the gun is
opened and closed.
Use the air regulator (24) to control pump speed and
fluid pressure. Always use the lowest pressure neces-
sary to get the desired result. Higher pressures will
waste the material and cause early spray tip and pump