Drain Line Replacement
310824D 25
Drain Line Replacement
This procedure should be used whenever you replace
the manifold and reinstall an existing drain line or install
a new drain line using the Drain Line Kit.
To remove the drain line (40) from the manifold:
1. Cut drain line (40) from barbed fitting (20).
2. Unscrew barbed fitting (20) from manifold.
1. Screw barbed fitting (20) into manifold.
2. Push drain line (40) onto barbed fitting (20).
If you are only replacing the manifold and will be
reusing the existing barbed fitting (20) and drain
line (40), you will need to use a sharp knife to cut
the remaining drain line material off the end of the
barbed fitting (20).
To make the drain line more pliable and easier to
install over barbed fitting, heat end of drain line (40)
with a hair dryer or by placing end in hot water a
few seconds.