G0492 12" X 36" Combo Lathe/Mill
Symptom Possible Cause Possible Solution
Loud, repetitious
noise coming
from machine
at or near the
1. Pulley setscrews or keys are missing or
2. Motor fan is hitting the cover.
1. Inspect keys and setscrews. Replace or tighten if
2. Tighten fan or shim cover, or replace items.
Motor is loud
when cutting.
Overheats or
bogs down in the
1. Excessive depth of cut or feed rate
2. RPM or feed rate wrong for cutting operation.
3. Cutting tool is dull
4. Gear setup is too tight, causing them to bind.
1. Decrease depth of cut or feed rate.
2. Refer to RPM feed rate chart for appropriate rates.
3. Sharpen or replace the cutting tool
4. Readjust the gear setup with a small amount of
backlash so the gears move freely and smoothly
when the chuck is rotated by hand.
Loud, repetitious
noise coming
from machine.
1. Gears not aligned in headstock or no back
2. Broken gear or bad bearing.
3. Workpiece is hitting stationary object.
1. Adjust gears and establish backlash.
2. Replace broken gear or bearing.
3. Stop lathe immediately and correct interference
Motor overheats. 1. Motor overloaded.
2. Air circulation through the motor restricted.
1. Reduce load on motor.
2. Clean out motor to provide normal air circulation.
Gear change
levers will not
shift into position.
1. Gears not aligned in headstock. 1. Rotate spindle by hand until gear falls into place.
Tailstock quill will
not feed out of
1. Quill lock lever is tightened down. 1. Turn lever counterclockwise.
Carriage hard to
1. Carriage lock is tightened down.
2. Chips have loaded up on bedways.
3. Bedways are dry and in need of lubrication.
4. Longitudinal stops are interfering.
5. Gibs are too tight.
1. Check to make sure table locks are fully released.
2. Frequently clean away chips that load up during
turning operations.
3. Lubricate bedways and handles.
4. Check to make sure that stops are floating and not
hitting the center stop.
5. Loosen gib screw(s) slightly.
Operation and Work Results (Continued)